Here Is Joy For Every Age | Canzoni di Natale |

Here Is Joy For Every Age

Testo Here Is Joy For Every Age

Here is joy for every age,
Every generation;
Prince and peasant, chief and sage,
Every tongue and nation:
Every tongue and nation,
Every rank and station
Hath today salvation,
Alle Alleluia.

When the world drew near its close,
Came out Lord and Leader;
From the Lily sprang the Rose,
From the Bush the Cedar;
From the Bush the Cedar,
From the judged the Pleader,
From the faint the Feeder:
Alle Alleluia.

God, that came on earth this morn,
In a manger lying,
Hallowed birth by being born,
Vanquished death by dying;
Vanquished death by dying,
Rallied back the flying,
Ended sin and sighing:
Alle Alleluia

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